Power and Prediction: Why AI adoption is lagging
Despite its promising advances, artificial intelligence has yet to cause a transformational change in many industries. And in many cases, the problem is not necessarily with the technology but with the way we perceive it.
Power and Prediction, a new book by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb, explores the fundamental challenges standing in the way of AI adoption in different industries. A sequel to their acclaimed Prediction Machines, the new book discusses what needs to change before organizations can benefit from the full potential of advances in artificial intelligence.
From point solutions and applications to AI systems, Agrawal, Gans, and Goldfarb study the success and failure of AI in different fields. They also provide important insights from past technological revolutions and show how rethinking and redesigning our systems from scratch can help create true value based on powerful machine learning and deep learning algorithms.
Read the full article on TechTalks.
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